30 Days To Organizing Your West Cobb Home – Day 19

Organizing Your West Cobb Home: Using A Wicker Basket

The colossal task of keeping a house organized seems too scary for many to even attempt to try and organize it. However, using simple objects a lot can be achieved. These things are not very difficult to find and can be used as tools in order to organize clothes, stationery, etc around the house.

Something as ordinary as a basket can go a long way in keeping most of the items around your house, which would have otherwise been strewn about here and there, in place. And baskets can be an amazing decorative item! The most logical place to start organization from is the kitchen. This seems to be the unanimous opinion of all homemakers and household management experts. And they are correct in assuming so. This is because the mess generated in your kitchen reflects all over your house.

You can put up picket baskets on the walls of the kitchen in order to stash away items that you either do not use very often, or to store something that are spare items. Everything from towels to rags can be neatly put in their respective pockets in the basket, making it easy for you to find then the next time you are looking for them.

Wicker baskets in the salon add a warm feeling to the room. If you have one for the television set, you can go in for that which has a lot of slots so that it can store the remote control, the television manual, the extra cables, etc.

Bathroom basketComing to the bedroom now, here is where you need your wicker basket the most. These can prove extremely decorative too. Use them in this room to store away extra pillow and spare linen. A lot of other items like some unfinished piece of work you need to pick up later can be put in one such slot in a basket. Washed and unwashed clothes not yet put in drawers can be separated in different slots, and so on.

However, there is obviously no hard and fast rule as to what can or cannot be stored in these baskets. After all, they are there fore your convenience, so whatever facilitates better organization, go for it. You can even personalize your baskets to match the décor of your house or the particular room they are kept in. such a multifunctional item is an asset to have around the house. Easiest way to keep the house organized is to have slots for everything. But do remember which slot is for what item! Hint: I just purchased some baskets with chalkboard “panels” on them…great for labeling!

Check out Target, Michaels or other local decorative stores.