After last week’s snowstorm, it’s probably a good time to think about an emergency plan – at work, at home and at school. Every member of your household should know what to do. Prepare a kit to have ready at home, and also in each of your vehicles. As a former south Florida resident, I did this every spring to get ready for hurricane season. And as I put the hurricane shutters as a storm approached, I was so glad I did.
Emergency Kit
So print out this Emergency Kit Checklist to make sure you have the right supplies on hand and make a note of where they are, so everyone knows.
It is also important to make sure that a family member or friend know:
- where you are
- where you will be in case you aren’t home
- where important papers can be found
- make and model of car, as well as license plate
Important Documents
It’s also a good idea to review your insurance policies to make sure that they are accurate and you have the appropriate coverage. The same is true of deeds, wills and other important documents. It would probably be a good idea to take pictures of your home, car, property and any other important items. I know my smartphone stores my photos in my Google account, so I don’t even need to download them to my laptop – no more excuses! Also, make sure you have your insurance company policy number(s) and contact information handy.
Also, review your home. Where is your water shutoff? Where is your gas shutoff? Are all of your electronic appliances plugged into EFCI/PFCI outlets and/or surge protectors? A power surge could damage your equipment, and it only takes a few minutes to prevent this.
Purchase Supplies
While it may seem overwhelming to do all of this now, there is no time like the present. Waiting until you need to do this can result in mistakes, inability to obtain needed supplies and more. As the saying goes – better safe, than sorry.