5 Tips To Save Money When You Get Where You Are Going

Congratulations! Your move is done and you’re ready to settle in to your new place, hopefully in West Cobb! Now it’s time to think what things you can do to avoid spending wads of cash to get moved in.

  1. Utilities. Talk to your utility and cable or phone companies. With the rampant competition, you can get some raging deals on cable, television, phone and cable. Make sure to call several before signing; use what Company A tells you to wrangle a better deal with Company B. You can often save by bundling items together, too, and getting phone, cable, and internet from a single provider. There are also apps that can help you with your move like Updater.
  2. Discounts. Do some coupon hunting. Chances are you will not want to be doing any big grocery shopping for the first couple days while you get settled. As an example, in our area, Kroger offers a card that can be used for a discount on their gasoline when you purchase certain amounts of groceries in their store, along with special pricing on items for cardholders. You can also “store” coupons on your card that you select from their website. Publix offers buy one, get one free specials. Having coupons for local restaurants or take out places can enable you to order food without taking a huge chunk out of your monthly budget. You can find coupons and flyers in newspapers, packages that come in the mail, or online. Check online sites like Groupon and LivingSocial for local deals also.
  3. Housewarming Potluck. Throw a house warming potluck for family and friends. Not only will this let people see your new digs, it’ll also (hopefully) give you a few nights of leftovers!
  4. Insurance Rates. Call around to check into changing your car insurance rate. There can be a huge range in monthly premiums, depending on where you live and how many miles you’ll be driving. If you’re closer to the office or in a smaller town, you might be able to score a much lower rate, saving you several hundred dollars a year.
  5. Neighbors. Get to know your neighbors. Ask them about the best places to get affordable haircuts, dry cleaning, baked goods; whatever you would like to know. There’s usually one “expensive” grocery store and the other one where “normal” people shop; find that out before you get hit up at the checkout counter!

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Marna Friedman is your West Cobb Real Estate Agent.