So I did a thing last week – I voted! Early voting has begun in Georgia, and so has the availability of absentee ballots. For many reasons, my mother (88 years old) decided that she would prefer to vote by absentee ballot. I thought it was too late, but did a little research. It is not too late, and actually a very easy process. I printed out the paperwork for her to request an absentee ballot, had her sign it and dropped it off when I went to vote. She received the absentee ballot the next day in the mail!
While you may be seeing several political signs around the area, most of them are the May election on May 19. As the Presidential primary approaches, Georgia is preparing to vote on March 24. However, early voting has started and so has the ability to request an absentee ballot. Please review the state’s information for answers to your questions.
Many voter polling locations may have changed, you can check your voter information at the My GA Voter page. Just complete the required information and it will let you know where you are supposed to vote – unless you vote early or with an absentee ballot.

Here are the links for your county’s early voting locations.
If you would like to see upcoming election ballots, you can view those available at