As we begin to venture out and schedule get-togethers and events, it has become clear that July 4, 2020 will be different this year. And celebrating the 4th of july around NW metro Atlanta as of right now will be challenging. Several festivities and firework displays have already been cancelled including Acworth and Marietta.
Kennesaw Fourth of July Spectacular has been rescheduled for September 12.
Neighborhood Holiday Events
So, what are your options? Well, you could decorate for the holiday (that’s always fun!) And you can have a neighborhood scavenger hunt (download ours here).
Host a neighborhood holiday parade.

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Celebrate with Hamilton
Well, the Broadway phenomenon “Hamilton” will be aired on Disney+ on July 3. So why not host a movie night? After all, Hamilton was one of our founding fathers. You can subscribe to Disney+ and stream the movie at home.
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Then on the 4th of July, as of the writing of this post, Macys has said it will move forward with its Annual Fireworks Display in NYC. The event will be different than in the past.
4th of July Around NW Metro Atlanta
Some of the events that are currently scheduled around NW Metro Atlanta include:
WOODSTOCK July 4th Fireworks to be held on July 4 at dusk. The fireworks will launch behind Lowe’s near Hwy 92 and 575 and social distancing will be required in the parking lots. You can view the traffic controls here.
CUMMING – July 4th Fireworks to be held on July 4 at 9:30pm. The holiday festivities will begin at 4pm and conclude with the fireworks displays. See more information here.
GEORGIA FAIRGROUNDS – July 4th Fireworks to be held on July 4 at 9:45pm. A live concert will begin at 6pm with the Vintage Vixens followed by the Fireworks Display. You can find the details here.
A little further north of us, in the Chattanooga area, (as of the writing of this post) the following events will still take place.
- Soddy Daisy Festival
- LaFayette GA fireworks display on July 3
- Fort Payne fireworks display on July 2
- Athens, TN fireworks display
Several neighborhoods may have cancelled the fireworks displays, but are moving forward with golf cart parades and other events, while ensuring social distancing. Be sure to check your neighborhood Facebook page to see what’s going on in your neighborhood.
Fireworks Safety Information

Fireworks Stores Around NW Metro Atlanta
Just like Halloween, there are pop-up stores around our NW metro Atlanta selling fireworks, sparklers and holiday items. Several of them are also offering curbside pickup for those practicing social distancing.