Smart Holiday Entertaining in Cobb County

Smart holiday entertaining in Cobb County or anywhere can be overwhelming this time of year whether it’s attending or planning holiday parties. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Just pick up your smartphone and download some apps to help.  We thought it would be great to share some basic info with you to help make your holiday season and party plans a little easier, along with a list of smartphone apps to use during the holidays and after.

Party Planning

Even when you are the host, sometimes everyone pitches in – one person does appetizers, another does dessert, etc. This app helps keep everything organized and know who is pitching in what.

  • PitchIn

Food & Beverage

There are now smartphone apps that can help you with planning food & beverage menus, but a general rule of thumb I use is ½ pound of food per person for cocktails and snacks, and ½ pound per person for a meal. Since I prefer buffet parties, here are suggestions for different categories:


Qty per person/per 1 hour Number of hours
5 appetizers First two hours
3 appetizers Each additional hour
Example: cocktail party from 7p-10p = 8 appetizers per person with a variety of 5-7 choices of appetizers
Qty per person/per 1 hour Number of hours
½ pound per person Total event time
Qty per person/per 1 hour Number of hours
½ pound per person First two hours, and then each hour
Two fondue forks per person Total event time
Example: per person = 20 cubes of bread; 6 ounces protein, vegetable or fruit; 4 ounces cheese, cookies or cake
Qty per person/per 1 hour Number of hours
2-3 slices  per pie
Qty per person/per 1 hour Number of hours
½ cup of fruit Total event time
4-8 pieces of vegetables Total event time
6-10 pieces of cheese Total event time

from Eventually Perfect

Apps that can help you:


The invitation is everyone’s first impression of your event. Make it stand out. You can send invitations via the internet, but that should be a last resort, unless you are doing something unique, like a slideshow, which should still include a printed invite. 

Websites that offer online invitations:

Cobb County offers sober rides:

Metro America Safe Drivers
Phone: 770-507-3332
Hours: 7pm-7am everyday
Details: A driver takes you home in your own vehicle

And finally, be safe and have fun!

Remember to not drink and drive.