Preparing to Sell – Don’t Make Estimated Guesses

preparing to sell

We’re thinking big-pictured prepared-ness. Preparing to sell is a critical step to a successful home sale. We need to address the big ticket items in your house. Before you start envisioning emptying your wallet, we’re not saying you have to fix all the things that need fixing. What you do need to do is be prepared. That means getting estimates for the major repairs.

For instance, if yuo are not in a position to replace that orange toilet and sink, replace the windows that need replacing, or update the furnace, you eed to get an up-to-date estimate for what those repairs would cost. Potential buyers will appreciate the informationand you will be ready to talk money when the time comes. And moving in the process is exactly what you have been doing all this hard work for. Let’s take a wuick look at how this might work.

Your Assignment

Usually approaching an issue about your house head-on is the best way. Your real estate agent can include conversation about any flaws with your house when he or she is working with the buyer’s real estate agent. He or she may use language on this order: “My clients felt that [fill-in-the-blank] might be an issue and took the liberty of getting a few estimates ahead of time. Here they are.”

Leaving repair costs up to the imagination of the buyer is never a good idea. It is very typical for a buyer to over-estimate repairs simply because they are feeling overwhelmed at the thought. If you give the potential buyer actual figures, it opens the conversation rather than closing it.

Estimates for repairs that you will not be making before the sale accomplishes several things. Estimates put the buyer’s mind at ease and it gives the buyer a negotiating figure. The buyer will take those reairs into consideration when writing up an offer, eliminating wasted time and frustration.

A good estimate for repairs also protects you, the seller. If a buyer makes an offer for $15,000 lower than the asking price to cover plumbing repairs, but you have a reliable estimate for repairs for only $2,000, then you know you need to regroup and rethink. And, prehaps you need to find a new buyer. You can see why getting reliable estimates is just as much about your protection as it is about keeping the buyer interested.

Obviously, making any and all repairs before you put your house on the market will help eliminate those obstacles to a sale. However, sometimes it just can’t be done. By getting reliable estimates to repair problems, you can at least make the topic as painless as possible. That will keep the conversation going, maybe all the way to a quick sale.
