Super Bowl 2021 – Things To Do Around NW Metro Atlanta

Super Bowl 2021

Super Bowl 2021…Friday Night Lights…Monday Night Football. It all looked a little different in 2020. So how are you going to celebrate this year’s Super Bowl, whether you are a Tom Brady fan or not. If you don’t know, the Super Bowl will be held on Sunday, Feb 7 at 6:30pm on CBS. Typically, we would be sharing all of the great Super Bowl party locations around town. But this year, we are going to share where you can get great food for pickup or delivery around our area, so that you can relax at home and enjoy the game.

Here is a map of places to get wings for your Super Bowl dining. And we have also included our favorite Spinach Dip recipe – which we like to serve with LaParilla chips (yes, you can buy a bag to go!).

Super Bowl 2021 – Wings Around NW Metro Atlanta

Super Bowl 2021 – Spinach Dip Recipe

Spinach Dip recipe for Super Bowl