Using Professional Movers to Save You Time and Money

There are some instances when hiring professional movers can actually save you time and money. As our area continues to grow, relocating to Acworth becomes a popular option. And sometimes that move can involve some other issues which impact your ability to handle everything yourself. Hiring professionals to assist you with all or part of your move is recommended if:

You have a short timeline, or you can’t take time off work. If you must move quickly or just don’t have the time to pack and move then hiring a professional means that you can get moved quickly by people that know their job. You can go about your own business and let them take care of the packing, lifting, moving, and even unpacking at the other end.

You’re being reimbursed by your employer. If your company is picking up the tab, save yourself the stress and let them handle it for you. Moving expenses are often tax-deductible, so check with an accountant to see if you are eligible to deduct your costs and if your reimbursement is likewise tax-free.

You have specialty items. If you’re moving a piano, heavy furniture, a collection of antiques, or other specialty items, you may want to let the professionals do the work for you. They are experienced and have the tools and know-how to get your precious goods from Point A to Point B — and they carry insurance in case the worst happens.

You are moving overseas. Trying to move to another country on your own may be beyond what the average person wants to take on. Do some research to see if there are specific regulations that must be followed, and then make a decision as to whether you want to DIY or opt for the professionals.

You are under emotional stress. If you’re moving after the death of a loved one or a divorce, you may be emotionally unequipped to deal with the minutiae of moving. While hiring a professional does come at a price, this may be one time in your life when you can opt for convenience over cost.

If you do decide to hire a professional to assist with all or part of your move, here are some tips to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth:

  • Ask for referrals from friends. Find a highly recommended mover; the pain and strife from going with the lowest bid often means the least costly option ends up being the most costly in terms of stress and anxiety.
  • Get a written quote from at least three companies. Estimates can vary widely, and make sure you’re comparing apples to apples by having them lay out exactly what the costs for materials, labor, and transport will be. Look for hidden charges like extra insurance, mileage, storage, and any other add-on fees.
  • Let them know you’re shopping around. Times are tough everywhere, and your salesperson may be willing to cut you a bargain in order to capture your business.
  • Make sure your quote is “not to exceed.” That means if the actual weight of your possessions is more than the estimate, the company must eat the cost. This keeps them from adding on extra fees at the end.

Only you can decide if your time and/or peace of mind is worth more than the price tag for your move. But with these tips, you can make sure that price tag is as low as possible.