Sales Tax Holiday Weekend

Don’t forget that this coming weekend is Georgia Sales Tax Holiday Weekend, and school starts on Monday, August 4th. So gather the school supply lists, see what you need and make a list. Some things to consider:

  1. Clothing.  Check clothing to see what fits and what needs to be replaced. If you have things you don’t need any more, consider selling them online, at a thrift store or donating them to charity. Just remember to discard things you don’t need to lessen clutter and free up space in your home.
  2. School Supplies. Several stores are offering specials on back to school supplies. So check the sales flyers (if you didn’t get the paper on Sunday, you can always check online at the store’s website). Also compare what you need on your school supply list to the specials being offered. If the deals are great, consider buying some extra for later in the year or to donate to charity.
  3. Holiday Gifts. It might seem early, but check your holiday gift list and see what you might be able to save on during the sales tax holiday along with specials being offered.
  4. Coupons. You can save even more with coupons, so check to see if anything you are shopping for might have a coupon available as well.

Lastly, here is some helpful information on Sales Tax Holiday from