Acworth Market Trends Jan 2015

Just look around Acworth, and you can quickly see the real estate market is improving. Home values in Acworth have increased and new construction is back. Here’s a glimpse at January’s real estate market trends.

Acworth Market Trends

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  •  Average sale price in Jan 2015 was $215,454 which was a 29.28% over the Jan 2014 average sale price of
  • The number of homes sold in January 2015 which was a 35.38% increase over last year, when there were 65 homes sold.
  • Total sold volume in Acworth was up 75.03% from $10,832,487 in Jan 2014 to $18,959,944 in Jan 2015.
  • The amount of time it took to sell a home decreased with average days on market at 110 days in Jan 2015 vs. 119 in Jan 2014, a decrease of 7.56%.


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Detailed analysis of Acworth Market Trends for January 2015

Acworth Market Trends

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New Construction in Acworth

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