Getting to Sold – Selling Your Home in Metro Atlanta

I realize that you have a choice when hiring a Realtor® to help you getting to sold when selling your home in metro Atlanta. As a Certified Staging Agent, I believe that “getting to sold” includes preparing your home for a successful sale. My background in professional organizing, staging and merchandising provides you with a level of “boutique” services.

So let’s begin…

Maximizing the Gain

Minor repairs and quick fixes can produce significant returns in the form of a quick sale and/or selling price. But as a homeowner, you need to work with your Realtor® to determine whch repairs may bring you the best return, and what your objectives are. While staging a home for sale may not be right for everyone, preparing your home for sale is recommended to make your home more marketable and reduce the time that it is on the market.

According to a study by HomeGain, the top 5 home improvements that are recommended in order of importance include:

  1. Clean & declutter
  2. Lighten & brighten
  3. Repair electrical & plumbing
  4. Landscaping
  5. Staging

Prioritizing & Budgeting

Be realistic in your objectives. Prepare a budget for the necessary home repairs and prioritize which ones would bring the most return on investment. Keep in mind that some of the items on your list may not offer a financial return, but may be critical to the success of selling your home.

Which items can you do yourself?

These items usually require the least amount of money, but the most amount of time. If you have limited funds available for repairs, consider the tasks you can complete yourself.

Which items must be done?

We will help you determine an improvement strategy based on your subdivision and local market, as well as the age and condition of your home. Each situation is uique, and ultimately you will need to determine what you are prepared to spend in order to achieve a successful sale of your home.

NOTE: Improvements may not increase the sale price of your home, but may help you sell your home faster,


This is the most important item in preparing your home for sale. It is also the one that you need to continue to perform while your home is on the market. You may want to allocate some funds for a storage unit while your home is on the market to store items until your home is sold. This can actually help you to maintain a clean home, while your home is for sale.

To Do:

  • Remove all of your personal items
  • Organize closets
  • Organize pantries
  • Organize storage areas including attic, basement and garage
  • Clean and organize kitchen cavinets
  • Clean and organize bathroom cabinets
  • Remove appliances from kitchen counters
  • Organize bookshelves
  • Polish woodwork
  • Clean mirrors
  • Clean faucets, sinks and tub
  • Clean windowsills and doorways
  • Clean fireplace
  • Remove excess furniture to appear spacious
  • Clean or replace bedding
  • Make beds
  • Get rid of odors (pet, food, cigarettes)
  • Call an exterminator if needed
  • Ensure all doors, cabinets and drawers open and close properly
  • Organize electronic wires and remotes


Creating a neutral palette for potential buyers can help them visualize themselves in your home. A fresh coat of paint helps to make your home look cleaner and brighter. But if your walls have ail pops, cracks, or need other repairs, be sure to complete these before painting. Be prepared to spend time on patching and repairing drywall before you begin to paint.

To Do:

  • Remove wallpaper and paint walls a neutral color
  • Paint front door and trim
  • Tone down bright room room colors with white or neutral colors
  • Repair cracks in ceilings and walls
  • Repair nail pops
  • Repair and repaint walls that are damaged
  • Paint, touch-up or refinish kitchen cavinetry
  • Paint window frames
  • Clean or paint baseboards and trim
  • Paint or stain stair railings
  • Clean or paint doors and hardware
  • Make note of all paint colors in case buyers are interested
  • Be consistent in color palette throughout house


As buyers enter your home, they will be impressed by space, light and comfort. Understanding the different tupes of lighting and how they affect our space can be helpful. Bright lights make spae appear larger, soft lights create a warm atmosphere, and fluorescent lighting can sometimes be used to simulate natural light.

To Do:

  • Make sure all lights work and replace bulbs where necessary
  • Clean all windows – inside and out, and screens
  • Allow natural light in wherever possible by opening blinds, drapes, etc.
  • Clean blinds and shutters
  • Vacuum drapes and window treatments
  • Make sure all outdoor lighting works
  • Clean or replace switchplates
  • If drapes or window treatments darken the room, consider taking them down and storing them
  • Make sure all windows can open and close easily, especially after painting
  • Use the brightest light bulbs possible – but make sure not to exceed recommended wattage
  • If you are out a lot, put lighting on timers so that your home is well lit and welcoming to potential buyers – or upgrade to “smart” home technology so that you can turn lights on for showings and off when they are done
  • Open blinds to allow daylight in
  • Maintain inventory of bulbs for replacement
  • Note any lighting that may not be included in sale


The first impression buyers will have of your home is your “curb appeal”, and they could decide to not even look inside if the outside isn’t welcoming. This includes the backyard as well. Investing in landscaping and cleaning up your yard can help.

To Do:

  • Make sure your yard is well lit
  • Mow, trim, fertilize, and hydrate your lawn
  • Edge your lawn
  • Power wash the driveway and walkways
  • Power wash the exterior of your home
  • Clean all debris from front and back yard
  • Weed landscaped beds
  • Prune trees and busges
  • Rake fallen leaves
  • Replace welcome mat at entrances
  • Add seasonal plants or flowers to front door area
  • Trim back bushes that block windows
  • Put hose and lawn equipment away in garage or neatly store in designated areas
  • Clean grill area
  • Paint grill if needed
  • Clean outdoor furniture and patio
  • Ensure all views are unobstructed, trim overgrowth if needed
  • Refresh mulch in flower beds
  • Ensure doorbell is operational


When you prepare to sell your home, you should visit every room in your home and make sure that the light switches, eletrical outlets and plumbing are all in working order. Replace or repair any problems. If the repair is beyond your ability, consult a professional to ensure everything is fixed before you list your home.

To do:

  • Make sure all bathroom and kitchen faucets are working properly
  • Make sure garage disposal is functional and eliminate any odors
  • All toilets are working and that there are no leaks
  • Clean all drains
  • Replace leaky faucets
  • Remove any rust stains in sinks or tubs
  • Remove any mildew stains around bathroom fixtures
  • Repair any loose caulking or grout and replace if needed
  • Replace batteries in all smoke detectors and security alarams
  • Test all alarms and if needed, have them serviced
  • Inspect and clean furnace
  • Change furnace and air conditioning filters

Let us know if you have any questions and how we can help you!