Winterizing Your Home | Getting Ready for Winter Around West Cobb –

Winterizing Your Home

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The first cold snap has finally arrived with a chill in the air. It appears that fall is here! And now that the weather is changing, homeowners need to get ready for what’s next – winter! Last winter some of our area got upwards of 12 inches of snow, not to mention ice and power outages. Several of us (myself included), were lucky enough to be able to run our gas fireplaces and stoves during the outage. But of course that came with high gas bills the following month!

So first, understand the controls you can try to put in place before the season arrives. In Georgia, gas is not regulated, and most homeowners have the option to choose their gas company, and can switch between them also. The gas companies around our area include, but are not limited to:

Understanding Therms

Another thing to consider is locking in your therm rate.  Here are some definitions to understand as per Wikipedia.

  • Usage: Gas usage is calculated by subtracting your previous meter reading from your current reading
  • BTU: The British thermal unit (Btu or BTU) is a traditional unit of heat; it is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. Our gas service
  • Therms: Natural gas in the US is sold in Therms or 100 cubic feet. This is the unit used to measure the natural gas consumed

Probably more than you want to know, but to understand it simply: Usage x BTU Factor = Therms

Most gas companies offer the option to “lock-in” your therm rate for a specific period of time. As gas prices fluctuate, this can be a cost saving option. I didn’t know about all of this when I moved to Georgia, and when I did discover this option, the savings were significant! I can’t say that is always the case, but I like the “control” I have when the rate is locked, I don’t have to gamble on gas prices going up or down.

So what does all of this mean and why now? Because, if you are like me, you have been getting marketing from the gas companies offering discounted therm rates to switch! And while it is appealing (appealing enough that it made me write this blog post to share the info), it may not be as cost effective as you think. So, as you navigate this, here are some questions to ask when you call your current provider – who may or may not match the rate you call them about. So take a minute and review your account, and make some calls.

  1. What is your current promotional therm rate that I can get?
  2. How long is that rate locked in for?
  3. What is the monthly “maintenance” fee for that locked therm rate?
  4. What other discounts can you offer?
    1. Do you have a senior discount?
    2. Do you have a military discount?


10 Tips to Winterize Your Home

Here are just a few helpful tips to get your home ready for winter.



  1. Turn off exterior water
  2. Disconnect garden hoses
  3. Turn off your irrigation systemsINSIDE
  4. Wrap pipes in crawl spaces and attic
  5. Seal any leaks that could allow cold air inside
  6. Open kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to help the circulation
  7. Allow warm water to drip overnight in faucets and showers (especially those located on exterior walls)
  8. Maintain the same temperature on your thermostat
  9. Know where your main water valve is to turn off your water throughout the houseEMERGENCY SERVICES
  10. Sign up to be notified in case of imminent weather warnings
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